Strategic Planning and Reporting

Community Strategic Plan

Under the NSW Government's framework for integrated planning and reporting, each council must prepare a number of plans, which provide details on how it intends to deliver services and infrastructure in the short and long term, based on community priorities that have been identified through the community engagement, conducted in line with the council's Community Engagement Strategy(PDF, 2MB).

The Community Strategic Plan 2022-2031(PDF, 10MB) sets out community goals for the next 10 years and outlines strategies and measures to achieve the goals.

The Community Strategic Plan is related to the four-year Delivery Program and the annual Operational Plan.

The Delivery Program 2022-2026(PDF, 1MB) identifies what part of the Community Strategic Plan the Council is responsible for (i.e. as a ‘provider’, a ‘facilitator’ or as an ‘advocate’) and sets the specific priorities for the term of office of this Council.

The Operational Plan 2024-2025(PDF, 10MB) specifies the actions and programs to be undertaken in the current year, in support of the Community Strategic Plan and Delivery Program. It also includes the Financial Statements for the current financial year.

These plans are supported by a Resourcing Strategy, which is made up of the following documents:

The Asset Management Strategy is comprised of Asset Management Plans.

Asset Management Plans & Policies Library


Local Strategic Planning Statement

The Uralla Shire Local Strategic Planning Statement was adopted by Council at its Extraordinary Meeting held 29 September 2020. This document will inform future updates to the Uralla Shire Council Local Environmental Plan, Development Control Plan, and Community Strategic Plan.

Uralla Shire Local Strategic Planning Statement 2020(PDF, 7MB)

End of Term Report

The End of Term Report provides an update on Uralla Shire Council's progress towards achieving its aspirations set in the Community Strategic Plan. This report is a requirement under the Local Government Act 1993, and forms part of Council's Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) Framework. The End of Term Report is defined by the NSW Premier & Cabinet Division of Local Government as a 'report on Council's achievements in implementing the Community Strategic Plan over the previous four years'. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Council’s term has been extended by a further 15 months.

The Uralla Shire Council's End of Term Report is available to view or download via the links below:

End of Term Report(PDF, 928KB)