Organisational Structure
The General Manager is responsible for the efficient and effective operation of Uralla Shire Council and for the implementation of decisions of the Council.
To facilitate the efficient and effective operation of Council and assist the General Manager in exercising her functions under the Local Government Act 1993, Council’s organisation structure is comprised of three directorates reporting to the office of the General Manager. Each directorate comprises of several divisions.
Council determines the senior staff structure under section 332 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) in consultation with the General Manager. The senior staff structure and reporting lines with effect from 11 July 2022 are:
- General Manager, Toni Averay (reporting to Council per the Act) Appointed 13 November 2023
- Director Infrastructure and Development, Mick Raby reporting to the General Manager
- Director Corporate and Community Services, Romane Abell reporting to the General Manager
Organisation Structure - December 2024 view here(PDF, 117KB).
To contact any member of Council's leadership team, please use our online form or email us at