No longer on display. Expired on
28 June 2019, 05:00 PM
3 June 2019
Naming of Roads
Notice is hereby given that Uralla Shire Council, pursuant to section 162 of the Roads Act 1993, has officially named the roads as shown hereunder:
Somerset Close
Locality: Uralla
Location: Starting 166 metres north of the Warwick Street and Rock Abbey Road intersection, running in a west to east direction for a length of 175 metres.
Wards Lane
Locality: Kentucky South
Location: Commencing from Eastern Avenue, Kentucky, between Lots 198 and 190 DP 755929 proceeding east until Lot 210, then proceeding south ending between Lots 207 and 213 DP 755829.
The above road names were advertised with no objections and subsequently gazetted on 10 May 2019.
General Manager
Uralla Shire Council
PO Box 106