Tenders, Quotations and Expressions of Interest


Request for Tenders are advertised on Council's website and social media pages, by public notice in Council reception, as well as in the Armidale Express by Council, and Sydney Morning Herald by TenderLink.

Full information and documentation in relation to requests for tender are available on TenderLink, Council’s online tendering system. This is a free service for potential suppliers.

Potential suppliers can register to receive emails from TenderLink about procurement opportunities from a variety of organisations, or search for Council’s specific requests for tenders using the unique TenderLink reference number for each of Council’s requests for tender.

Request for tender documentation is available for download through the TenderLink portal at www.tenderlink.com/uralla.

All questions submitted by suppliers during the ‘out to tender’ phase will be answered by Council through the TenderLink online forum.

Potential suppliers can upload and submit their tenders through the TenderLink portal.

Each request for tender will have a Council Officer nominated as a primary contact for all enquiries after the tender has closed.

Potential suppliers are advised that the TenderLink online portal is not compatible with Internet Explorer. Please use a different internet browser to access the portal.

Please note: the canvassing of Councillors or Council staff in relation to requests for tender will result in automatic disqualification.

Please visit our Public Notices page to see all current requests for tender invited by Council.

Recent Tenders Advertised by Council


Requests for Quotations and Expressions of Interest 

Most Request for Quotations (RFQs) and Expressions of Interest (EOIs) are advertised on Council’s website and social media pages, those RFQs are published as a Public Notice and can be viewed on Council's Public Notices page.

Services and products which cannot be sourced locally may also be advertised on VendorPanel.

Please note: The canvassing of Councillors or Council staff in relation to requests for quotations will result in automatic disqualification.

Recent RFQs/EOIs Advertised by Council


Local Suppliers, Contractors and Tradespeople

Council is committed to supporting local suppliers in its procurement dealings as much as possible, where this does not conflict with probity principles and the procurement activities achieve a best value for money outcome for the Uralla Shire community.

To give local suppliers a full, fair and reasonable opportunity to supply for and work with Council, Council maintains a register of local tradespeople, contractors and suppliers who are notified regarding upcoming work, requests for quotes, or expressions of interest as these instances arise.

Any local tradesperson, builder or contractor who wishes to register to work with Council, please email council@uralla.nsw.gov.au with the following information to be included on the register.

  • Contractor details;
  • Licences;
  • Insurances;
  • Hourly rates; and
  • A brief statement of services provided, including your location and serviced areas.

More Information

NSW Local Government Act 1993 - Statutory Requirements

Local Government Regulations (Click Here)

  • Council to decide whether tenders are to be by open tendering or selective tendering 

    | Part 7 | Division 2 | Section 166

  • Open tendering 

    | Part 7 | Division 2 | Section 167

  • Selective tendering method by which invitations to tender for proposed contract are made following public advertisement asking for expressions of interest 

    | Part 7 | Division 2 | Section 168

  • Selective tendering method by which recognised contractors listed by council are invited to tender for particular kinds of proposed contracts

    | Part 7 | Division 2 | Section 169

  • Tender documents 

    | Part 7 | Division 2 | Section 170

  • Shortened tender period 

    | Part 7 | Division 2 | Section 171

  • Extended tender period

    | Part 7 | Division 2 | Section 172

  • Submission of tenders

    | Part 7 | Division 3 | Section 173

  • Custody of tenders after receipt

    | Part 7 | Division 3 | Section 174

  • Opening of tenders 

    | Part 7 | Division 3 | Section 175

  • Tenders may be varied in certain circumstances

    | Part 7 | Division 3 | Section 176

  • Consideration of tenders 

    | Part 7 | Division 4 | Section 177

  • Acceptance of tenders 

    | Part 7 | Division 4 | Section 178

  • Notification of acceptance of successful tender

    | Part 7 | Division 4 | Section 179