Procurement Strategy
Uralla Shire Council Purchase Order - Terms and Conditions
Procurement is the process of buying goods, works and services. This can include a range of things needed for road and footpath construction, recreational and community facilities, parks and trees to heavy vehicles, office equipment, professional services and utilities.
We are required to comply with the following legislation, regulation and guidelines when procuring goods, services and works:
During all procurement activities, we are committed to achieving the highest quality outcomes and best value for our community. All of our processes are conducted in a transparent, fair and ethical manner. We encourage innovation and excellence and welcome all suppliers, including local suppliers, to participate in our procurement processes.
When deciding how to best spend public money, we have to take into account a range of factors including:
- Quality and performance;
- Value for money;
- Risk management;
- Ethics and fair dealing; and
- Opportunities for local employment growth.
Councils must go to open tender for goods, services and materials above the amount specified in Clause 55 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993. Currently this amount is $250,000 or less than $150,000 where services are to be provided by employees of council.
We can also choose to go out for quotes, a tender, or put out an expression of interest. We might do this through websites like Tenderlink or VendorPanel. If you are a contractor or supplier interested in doing business with Council, we recommend you be registered on these sites as it makes it easier for us to do business. If you are a part of the above panels, please let us know.
Council is committed to supporting local suppliers in its procurement dealings as much as possible, where this does not conflict with probity principles and the procurement activities achieve a best value for money outcome for the Uralla Shire community. To give local suppliers a full, fair and reasonable opportunity to supply for and work with Council, Council maintains a register of local tradespeople, contractors and suppliers who are notified regarding upcoming work, requests for quotes, or expressions of interest as these instances arise.
Any local tradesperson, builder or contractor who wishes to register to work with Council, please email the following information to be included on the register:
- Contractor details;
- Licences;
- Insurances;
- Hourly rates;
- A brief statement of services provided, including your location and serviced areas;
- Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) for high risk activities; and
- Completed Confidentiality/Privacy Agreement.
We will use the most effective method to contact the relevant industries when various procurement projects are going out to market. If you are keen to do business with us please check the Tenderlink and VendorPanel websites and Council's website for upcoming opportunities.