Uralla and Bundarra Water Network Leak Detection Works from 27 July

No longer on display. Expired on 15 August 2022, 05:00 PM

Contractors working for Council will be searching for leaks in the water distribution systems in Uralla and Bundarra over the next week, commencing on 27 July 2022. These leak detection specialists are equipped with high tech microphones and other equipment to find ‘hidden’ leaks in the pipe system that would otherwise go unnoticed.

Leaks detected in the Council water pipes will be marked and repaired. Council owns and maintains the pipes up to the water meters, however the contractors may also find signs of hidden leaks on private property which are the responsibility of the property owner. If any leaks are detected which are the property owner’s responsibility to fix, the contractors will leave a letter for the owner notifying to investigate further.

This project is 100% funded by the NSW Government.

Should you have any questions, please contact Council on (02) 6778 6300 or email us at council@uralla.nsw.gov.au.