No longer on display. Expired on
24 January 2022, 05:00 PM
The place name proposal to rename Hampden Park to Sunny Jim Mackay Park has been advertised for public comment by the NSW Geographical Names Board.
At its Ordinary meeting held 27 July 2021, Council endorsed the proposal to rename Hampden Park to “Sunny Jim Mackay Park” and resolved to submit an application to the Geographical Names Board. This proposal was submitted to Council by the Uralla Historical Society, and was supported by the Uralla Township and Environs Committee and feedback from the community.
The proposed name commemorates the Australian cricketer James Rainey Munro “Sunny Jim” Mackay (1880 – 1953) who started his career in Uralla. "Sunny Jim" was Mackay's nickname due to his cheerful disposition.
The Geographical Names Board has now approved the proposed name to be advertised for public comment.
Submissions will be accepted on the Geographical Names Board’s website from 17 December 2021 until 24 January 2022.
To make a submission, please visit the NSW Geographical Names Board website.