No longer on display. Expired on
19 April 2022, 08:00 AM
Uralla Shire Council invites suitably qualified parties to submit tenders for Stabilised Patching Services on various roads in the Uralla Shire.
Uralla Shire Council has identified patches as detailed in the tender form. The areas of each patch is entailed for the 300mm thick stabilisation process. This is with 1.5% 70/30 slag lime blend. The lump sum contract is based on this area of stabilisation and sealing (14/10 bitumen seal).
In total there is 19,884m squared to complete, on 3 roads; Arding, Kliendienst and Kingstown within Uralla Shire Council's sealed rural network.
documents and TenderLink registration may also be undertaken through the portal.
Questions relating to the RFT may be submitted through the TenderLink online forum which closes 5 days prior to the submission deadline.
Tenders must be made through the Tenderlink website portal, with submissions closing at 8:00am on 19 April 2022.
Works must be to be complete by 24 June 2022.