Register for Local Suppliers and Tradespeople to Quote on Council Work

No longer on display. Expired on 30 March 2021, 03:00 PM

Council is committed to supporting local suppliers in its procurement dealings as much as possible, where this does not conflict with probity principles and the procurement activities achieve a best value for money outcome for the Uralla Shire community.

To give local suppliers a full, fair and reasonable opportunity to supply for and work with Council, Council maintains a register of local tradespeople, contractors and suppliers who are notified regarding upcoming work, requests for quotes, or expressions of interest as these instances arise.

Any local tradesperson, builder or contractor who wishes to register to work with Council, please email the following information to be included on the register:

  • Contractor details;
  • Licences;
  • Insurances;
  • Hourly rates; and
  • A brief statement of services provided, including your location and serviced areas.


For further information, please contact Council’s Customer Service on (02) 6778 6300 or via email at