No longer on display. Expired on
23 June 2021, 05:00 PM
At its Ordinary Meeting held 25 May 2021, Uralla Shire Council resolved to place the Draft Operational Plan and Budget for 2021-2022 on public display from 26 May 2021 to 23 June 2021.
View the Draft Operational Plan and Budget for 2021-2022(PDF, 5MB)
Hard copies will be available to view at the Customer Service Centre, Uralla and Bundarra Libraries and will be provided to village general stores.
Community Drop-In Sessions
Following from Council's early budget engagements process Feb-May of this year, there will be further opportunities for the community to engage with Councillors and professional staff about the Draft Operational Plan and Budget for 2021-2022 at the following two community drop in sessions:
- Uralla 4 – 6pm Monday 7 June (Council Chambers)
- Bundarra 4 – 6pm Wednesday 9 June ( School of Arts Hall)
Written Submissions
Written submissions can be:
- emailed to
- handed into the customer service centre 32 Salisbury Street Uralla NSW 2358
- mailed to PO Box 106, Uralla NSW 2358
- recorded at drop in sessions
Submissions close at 5pm on 23 June 2021.