No longer on display. Expired on
24 May 2022, 05:00 PM
The Thunderbolt Wind Farm (SSD-10807896) application for State Significant Development (SSD), Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and accompanying documents will be exhibited by the Department of Planning and Environment from Wednesday 27 April 2022 until Tuesday 24 May 2022 and are accessible electronically on the Department’s website.
The proposal is a controlled action under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Commonwealth) and the Department will assess impacts on relevant matters of national environmental significance in accordance with the Bilateral Agreement.
The EIS and notice of exhibition can be viewed online at:
To make a submission
Anyone can make a submission about the development application during the exhibition period.
To make an online submission, please visit the Department’s website. On the project’s webpage, click 'Make a submission'. You will need to log in or create a user account. Follow the online instructions.
If you cannot lodge online, you can post your submission to the address below.
If you want the Department to withhold your personal information before publication, please make this clear at the top of your cover letter and do not include personal details in your attached submission. If you post your submission, it needs to be received by the Department before the close of the exhibition period.
If you choose to send a paper-based submission, it is important that both the submission and mailing envelope are addressed to the nominated contact person below. Please be aware that if you choose to send a paper-based submission and it is not addressed to the correct contact person, the submission will not be received by the Department and will instead be returned to sender.
Your submission must include the following:
- Your name and address at the top of the letter only (or in a separate cover letter if you want your personal details to be withheld from publication);
- The name of the application and the application number;
- A statement on whether you ‘support’ or ‘object’ to the proposal or if you are simply providing comment;
- The reasons why you support or object to the proposal; and
- A declaration of any reportable political donations you have made in the previous two years.
Address: Director – Energy Assessments, Development Assessment, Department of Planning and Environment, Locked Bag 5022, Parramatta NSW 2124
Submissions close Tuesday 24 May 2022.