No longer on display. Expired on
25 October 2021, 05:00 PM
Council has prepared the LTFP 2022-31 and has recommended that this Plan be put on Public Exhibition for 28 days. To ensure ample time for residents and ratepayers to respond, an extended period of Public Exhibition has been applied, with submissions due by 5pm Monday 25 October.
The document draft Long Term Financial Plan 2022 – 2031 can be viewed here.
A guide has been developed to assist the community with the consultation process:
Long Term Financial Plan 2022 – 2021 Explained can be viewed here.
The key objective of the Long Term Financial Plan remains the achievement of financial sustainability across the short, medium any longer term whilst still achieving Council’s broader vision and community goals.
Council needs to deliver infrastructure and services as required by legislation, and additional services as required by the community, within its resources.
As a commitment to Community Engagement and communication the Council request your feedback through the following survey:
Your input will help Council to make decisions that work towards a balanced budget for long-term sustainability and to secure the continuing independence of the Shire.
Written submissions can be made to Council until 5pm, 25 October 2021.
Submissions or enquiries can be submitted by letter addressed to the Office of the General Manager, PO Box 106, Uralla NSW 2358 or by email to
Residents and ratepayers without internet access are invited to contact Council Customer Service on (02) 6778 6300 to request a pack of consultation materials to be mailed to them.