No longer on display. Expired on
13 June 2019, 05:00 PM
Uralla Shire Council Draft Delivery Program 2017-21 and Operational Plan 2019-20
At its Extraordinary Meeting held on Tuesday, 14 May 2019, Uralla Shire Council resolved to place the draft Delivery Program 2017-21 and Operational Plan 2019-20 on public exhibition for a period of 28 days.
The draft Delivery Program 2017-21 and Operational Plan 2019-20 lists the actions, programs and activities Council will undertake during the financial year July 2019 to June 2020 inclusive. This plan is one of the documents required by the NSW Government’s Integrated Planning and Reporting framework.
The draft Delivery Program 2017-21 and Operational Plan 2019-20 and associated Statement of Revenue Policy and Fees and Charges are on public exhibition from Wednesday, 15 May to Wednesday, 13 June 2019. The documents can be viewed at Council’s Administration Centre at 32 Salisbury Street, Uralla or by following the link below:
Uralla Shire Council Draft Delivery Program 2017-21 and Operational Plan 2019-20.pdf(PDF, 4MB)
Written submissions can be made to Council until 5:00pm on Wednesday, 13 June 2019. Submissions may be made by email to or by letter to:
The General Manager
Uralla Shire Council
PO Box 106
Uralla NSW 2358
Should you have any enquiries, please contact Council on (02) 6778 6300 or via email at