A proposal, made pursuant to section 383(1) of the Local Government Act 1993, has been received from Armidale Regional Council to dissolve New England County Council and transfer its assets, liabilities and staff to the constituent councils of New England County Council, namely Armidale Regional Council, Glen Innes Severn Shire Council, Uralla Shire Council and Walcha Council.
The proposal has the support of New England County Council and each of its constituent councils.
New England County Council, which trades under the name of New England Weeds Authority, is the local control authority for weeds under the Biosecurity Act 2016 for the local government areas of Armidale Regional Council, Glen Innes Severn Shire Council, Uralla Shire Council and Walcha Council.
Information concerning the proposal can be obtained from the offices of Armidale Regional Council, Glen Innes Severn Shire Council, Uralla Shire Council and Walcha Council during business hours from Monday, 3 March 2025 until Tuesday, 1 April 2025. That information may also be found on the website of New England County Council at www.newa.com.au.
Anyone affected by the proposal may make submissions or comments on the proposal to the Minister for Local Government, C/- Office of Local Government, Locked Bag 3015, Nowra, NSW 2541 or by email to olg@olg.nsw.gov.au.
Any submissions or comments must be lodged by Tuesday, 1 April 2025.
The Hon. Ron Hoenig MP
Minister for Local Government
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