Uralla Shire Council announces that the following name is proposed for a new road: Sims Place
Saumarez Ponds (connecting to Mundays Lane)
Henry Norman Sims was a Private in the 53rd Battalion in the First World War. Henry Sims was born at Hillgrove NSW in around 1893 to parents James and Elizabeth Sims. When he enlisted, he was a 23-year-old single labourer from Metz NSW. Henry Sims died at sea on board HMAS Suevic on 20 November 1916 from measles complicated by bronchitis.
Reason for Proposal:
To progress a 19-Lot Subdivision approved under DA-57-2023 at Lot 4 DP 590685 Mundays Lane, Saumarez Ponds.
Between Dumaresq Road and Marble Hill Road (no through road)
Submissions can be made by:
- postal mail addressed to the General Manager, Uralla Shire Council, PO Box 106, URALLA NSW 2358; or
- email to council@uralla.nsw.gov.au
Submissions to this proposed road name are sought by 28 March 2025 (15 business days from the date of publishing this notice on Council’s website, pursuant to the Roads Regulation 2018 and NSW Address Policy and User Manual).
For further information contact Uralla Shire Council on (02) 6778 6300.