No longer on display. Expired on
30 November 2021, 02:45 PM
The NSW Government has finalised the draft declaration of the New England REZ for public exhibition. The declaration is the first step in formalising the REZ under the Electricity Infrastructure Investment Act 2020. It sets out the intended network capacity (size), geographical area (location) and infrastructure that will make up the REZ. This enables and sets the scope of key legislative functions under the Act, including access schemes and REZ network solutions.
The draft declaration is now on exhibition for four weeks until Friday 12 November and can be viewed at:
The draft declaration is for public exhibition and feedback only. The actual declaration will be made by the Minister for Energy and Environment and published in the NSW Gazette.
Once the REZ has been declared, EnergyCo NSW will begin the next phase of engagement on detailed design and development of the New England REZ.
If you have any feedback on the draft declaration, please contact EnergyCo NSW’s REZ team via