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04 September 2021, 05:00 PM
A series of online candidate information sessions will be conducted by the NSW Electoral Commission (NSWEC) in the lead up to the 2021 NSW Local Government elections. The webinars will be held from April to August 2021 and will cover the following topics:
- Election overview
- Election funding and disclosure
- Registration of candidates, groups, and third-party campaigners
- Electoral material (also known as how-to-vote material)
- Nomination process
- Early voting and election day voting
- Candidate workers and scrutineers
- Counting and results
Please see below the details of the first three webinars to be conducted:
- 11:00am, Tuesday 27 April – Candidate information
- 6:00pm, Thursday 29 April – Candidate information (repeated)
- 6:00pm, Tuesday 11 May - Election funding and disclosure
Please use the following link to register your attendance
For more information for candidates, see: