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09 August 2022, 05:00 PM
Notice of General Managers Workshops & Briefings for Councillors
A session has been called for: -
Date: Tuesday, 9 August 2022
Time: 3:45pm
Venue: Uralla Shire Council Chambers
The workshop will be open to the public commencing at 4:15pm.
Closed session (closed to the public):
The following item(s) are presented to the Closed session of the General Manager Strategic Workshops and Briefings pursuant to section 10A 2C of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW).
3:45pm: Topic: CONFIDENTIAL Commercial-in-confidence presentation
Purpose: Commercial-in-confidence presentation to be made to Councillors.
Reason for closing the item: Presenter requests their commercial information to be held in confidence until they commence their public consultation process.
[Session information that would, if disclosed, confer a commercial advantage on a person with whom the council is conducting (or proposes to conduct) business.]
4:15pm: Topic: New England Solar Farm Project Update
Purpose: To provide a project update on the New England Solar Farm project and proposed requests for variation to development approval.
Presenter: UPC/AC Renewals
4:30pm: Topic: Uralla Shire Council Draft Asset Management Plans
Purpose: To provide an update on the draft Asset Management Plans (AMPs) and AMPs prepared for presentation to August Ordinary Council meeting for public exhibition.
Presenter: Interim Director Infrastructure & Development, Asset Manager
Estimated close 5:00pm
Next session date: Tuesday, 13 September