No longer on display. Expired on
08 February 2022, 12:00 PM
A session has been called for: -
Date: 8 February 2022
Time: 9:30am
Venue: Uralla Shire Council Chambers
Please find enclosed a copy of the Agenda for the session.
Current COVID safe requirements limit the number of attendees in the meeting room and members of the public may attend and observe the open sessions; however, will be accommodated within seating capacity in the order of arrival under the instruction of the COVIDSafe Marshall.
Notice of General Manager Training and Development Session for Councillors
Training and development sessions are closed to the public and will follow the above session per the attached agenda.
Councillor apologies to the Executive Assistant, Wendy Westbrook.
Yours faithfully
Kate Jessep
General Manager
General Manager Strategic Workshops and Briefings for Councillors
Workshops and Briefings are open to the public (COVID19 space limitations apply) unless listed as closed for the stated reason.
9:30am: Topic: Gravel Roads Prioritisation
Purpose: Briefing to Council from public exhibition submissions.
Presenter: Director Infrastructure & Development
9:45am: Topic: Proposed Projects List
Purpose: Briefing to Council from public exhibition submissions.
Presenter: Director Infrastructure & Development
10:00am: Topic: Community facilities lease/hire options
Purpose: Brief Council on options re: Uralla Memorial Hall and VIC 'pop-up shop' space
Presenter: Director Community Services
10:15am Morning Tea
10:30am: Topic: s355 committees - review ToR - UTEC, Bundarra School of the Arts, Australia Day
Purpose: Review draft ToR - to enbable staff to prepare report to Council.
Presenter: Director Infrastructure & Development/Manager Governance
11:00am: Topic: Neoen Presentation
Purpose: Update on Thunderbolt Energy Hub Stage 1
Presenter: Joanna Murphy & Team
11:30am Estimated Close