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17 May 2022, 07:00 PM
Notice of Workshops and Briefings for Councillors
A session has been called for: -
Date: 17 May 2022
Time: 4:00pm
Venue: Uralla Shire Council Chambers
Please find enclosed a copy of the Agenda for the session.
Current COVID safe requirements limit the number of attendees in the meeting room and members of the public may attend and observe the open sessions; however, will be accommodated within seating capacity in the order of arrival under the instruction of the COVIDSafe Marshall.
Councillor apologies to the Executive Assistant, Wendy Westbrook.
Yours faithfully
Kate Jessep
General Manager
Strategic Workshops & Briefings for Councillors
Workshops are open to the public unless listed as closed for the stated reason.
4:00pm: Topic: NIAS Presentation
Purpose: An overview of the NIAS Program and benefits - regional training sessions, athlete education & skill acquisition, opportunity for inter-academy meets, ticket to the academy awards night, sport science fitness testing & support.
Presenter: Shona Eichorn, Chief Executive Officer
4:30pm: Topic: Briefing on the DA process, proposed changes to rezoning process and heritage/accessibility interface
Purpose: DA process and hierarchy of controls and current planning proposals process and possible changes; and
Providing clarity around assessment requirements and considerations where access requirements may negatively affect heritage conservation outcomes
Presenter: Manager Development & Planning
5:00pm Public Forum: Thunderbolt Energy Hub EIS
6:00pm Workshop: Thunderbolt Energy Hub EIS
EIS Draft Council submission
7:00pm Estimated Close