Forum on Renewable Energy Projects in the Uralla Shire

No longer on display. Expired on 15 March 2022, 05:00 PM

UPDATE NEW VENUE: Memorial Hall, Salisbury St Uralla.

Due to large numbers of respondents, the forum will now be held in the Memorial Hall instead of the Community Centre.

Council is hosting a public forum to hear views from the community on opportunities and challenges posed by the recently gazetted New England Regional Energy Zone and the development of wind and solar farms in Uralla Shire.

Council has resolved a position on solar and wind farm development at OM 17.02/21:

Development Applications to be considered in the context of our Community Strategic Plan, particularly the following stated goals:

a)   To preserve, protect and renew our beautiful environment;

b)   Maintain a healthy balance between development and the environment;

c)    An attractive environment for business, tourism and industry;

d)   Growing and diversified employment, education and tourism opportunities; and further

e)    A ‘cradle to grave’ approach should be taken to ensure the project is environmentally sustainable during construction, operation, and decommissioning through appropriate bonding arrangements with the NSW Government;

f)   That local employment be preferred;

g)   Systems be put in place to preserve environmental values;

h)     Any upgrades and maintenance to Council infrastructure to service the construction and/or operation of the development should be at the developer’s expense;

i)     No council infrastructure should be negatively impacted by the renewable energy projects construction and or operation; and

j)   Protection of the amenity of residents surrounding the renewable energy projects and along transport routes should be the paramount consideration in the decision-making process

The Mayor will chair the forum on Tuesday 15 March 2022 – 4.30pm – open to public (bookings are required, spaces will be limited to seating capacity) at the Uralla Community Centre, Hill Street in Large Meeting room. To book your space please call 02 6778 6300 to register your attendance.