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10 March 2023, 05:00 PM
Expressions of Interest - External Independent Member to the Uralla Shire Council (USC) and Walcha Council (WC) respective Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) with both Councils seeking common external ARIC members.
Both USC and WC seek to leverage shared experiences in similar matters of governance for issues that are common across each Council both in size and scope.
Each ARIC meeting will be scheduled for the same day with travel between each Council of approximately 45KM. ARIC agenda business paper formats will be consistent where possible.
The Councils are inviting expressions of Interest from suitably qualified individuals for appointment as an external independent member to the USC and WC ARICs
The Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee is a key component of Councils’ governance frameworks. The Committees will be responsible for assisting Councils to fulfil their governance and oversight responsibilities.
The Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee is comprised of three independent external members. Each Council may nominate a councillor to the committee (non-voting). Both Councils will be expecting the new members to commence duties at the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee meeting to be held in April. An induction will be scheduled in late March.
Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee members are expected to meet the following criteria:
- have the qualities and personal attributes needed to serve the Councils effectively in their role as a committee member;
- have a functional knowledge in areas that would provide a valuable contribution to the committee and Councils such as:
- local government;
- internal audit and external audit;
- risk management;
- governance;
- performance management;
- financial management, reporting and accounting;
- human resources management;
- internal control frameworks;
- fraud and corruption prevention;
- IT/cyber security;
- the local community; or
- another relevant subject matter; and
- undertake any training on the operation of audit, risk and improvement committees recommended by the chair based on their assessment of the skills, knowledge and experience of the committee member.
A member of an audit, risk and improvement committee must also demonstrate the following personal qualities and attributes:
- a commitment to the independence of their role;
- integrity;
- a capacity to dedicate sufficient time and energy;
- financial literacy, including an ability to read or understand basic financial statements, ask pertinent questions about them, and interpret and evaluate answers;
- an ability to give direct and honest opinions and offer different perspectives and constructive suggestions; and
- inquisitiveness and independent judgment.
- A commitment to collaboratively assisting each Council pursue continuous improvement in all areas addressed by the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee.
The Committee will meet at least four times a year in February, April, July and October and is a formally appointed Committee of each Council. The appointment will be for a four year term.
The current meeting fees are below:
Independent Members: $750 per meeting per Council
Chair: $1,000 per meeting per Council
In addition, Council will cover reasonable travel and accommodation costs
Both Councils are in the process of transitioning to new ARIC Terms of Reference based on the NSW Office of Local Government Draft Guidelines.
To nominate for a position on these Committees please submit a nomination form available at Home Uralla Shire Council ( or Walcha Council
Completed Nomination Forms should be lodged no later than Friday 10th March at 5:00pm via for Uralla Shire Council and for Walcha Council
Enquiries should be directed to Christine Valencius – for Uralla Shire Council and Christian Martin – for Walcha Council
Councils’ Code of Conduct must be strictly adhered to.