Australia Day Committee Expressions of Interest for Volunteers

No longer on display. Expired on 31 October 2023, 05:00 PM

 Published 10 October 2023

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Australia Day is a wonderful time for the whole community to come together to celebrate our good fortune, acknowledge outstanding contributors to our community and to welcome our new Australian Citizens. The amazing group of volunteers that make up our Australia Day Committee are responsible for the Australia Day Awards Ceremony and festivities. The Committee is looking for new volunteers to join their team to help with the planning and running of this wonderful event.

If you can see yourself supporting the event by assisting with planning and setup, helping run the event on the day or assisting with clean-up please talk to Bev Niland M: 0407 784 328 our Secretary or Robert Bell M: 0434 244 774 our Acting Chair to find out more about joining this amazing team.