Uralla Shire Council adopts new Operational Plan 2020-2021
Published on 06 August 2020
Uralla Shire Council adopts new Operational Plan 2020-2021
Uralla Shire Council is expected to deliver a record amount of capital expenditure in this year’s 2020-2021 Operational Plan due to numerous State and Federal Government grant programs.
The annual Operational Plan sets out the budget and key focuses of the Council for the year ahead. Key highlights of the plan include investment in community infrastructure and local roads and Uralla Shire Council Mayor, Cr Michael Pearce says Council is committed to delivering the projected $31 million budget.
“It has been a challenging year for Uralla Shire with our community facing drought, bushfires, issues with the drinkability of our water supply and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic” Uralla Shire Council Mayor, Cr Michael Pearce said. “As we look forward to the year ahead, our key focus will be supporting the continued economic improvement of the Uralla Shire community through infrastructure upgrades and ongoing high level service delivery”.
Major projects for the year include the progression and implementation of the Bundarra Sewerage Scheme, upgrades to Bingara Road, construction of a new bridge over Tolleys Gully as well as upgrades to the Uralla Visitor Information Centre.
“Alongside the delivery of these projects we will continue to deliver key services to the community including water and sewer supply, waste collection and facilities, our well-loved library, providing valuable visitor information, community and home support as well as our McMaugh Garden’s Aged Care Facility”, Mayor Pearce said.
Uralla Shire Council General Manager Ms Kate Jessep says she is looking forward to working with Councillors, staff and the community to deliver the plan noting however that the Council faces a challenge in the budget’s forecast operating deficit.
“While Council will deliver a record amount of works this financial year on the back of numerous State and Federal grants we want to acknowledge that a budget deficit is not sustainable in the long term”, she said. “We will be working with the community and building our engagement activities over the next year so that together we are driving growth within our Shire and working towards a resilient and sustainable future”.
Council’s Operational Plan 2020-2021 comprises the fourth year of Council’s now five-year Delivery Program 2017-2022. You can view Council’s Delivery Program 2017-2022, incorporating the Operational Plan 2020/21 online https://www.uralla.nsw.gov.au/Council/Our-Council-and-Organisational-Structure/Integrated-Planning-and-Reporting
For further information contact Council: Tel: 02 6778 6300 Email: council@uralla.nsw.gov.au