At Home

Click on the links below to read more about saving water at home.

Kitchen: Cooking, cleaning and washing dishes uses a huge amount of water.

Laundry: 15-20% of all water consumed in the home is used in the laundry, making this room a high consumer of not only water but also energy and detergents. There are many inexpensive ways to save water in the laundry.

Bathroom: Three quarters of the water used in the bathroom is used for washing ourselves. These days, thanks to high quality water efficient technology it is possible to have a great washing experience without using excessive amounts of water.

Toilets: A quarter of all the water we use in the bathroom is flushed down the toilet! It's crazy that we use so much high quality, treated drinking water to flush toilets.

Taps: A running tap wastes over 6 litres a minute. Remember to turn off those taps and fix leaks.

Leaks: A continuously running toilet can waste up to 60,000 litres of water per year.


Click on the links to download the factsheets below:

Early Leak Detection Factsheet(PDF, 2MB)

How to Fit a Water Efficient Showerhead(PDF, 568KB)

Saving Water at Home(PDF, 268KB)

Saving Water in the Laundry(PDF, 496KB)

Water Efficient Carwashing(PDF, 536KB)

Water Efficient Pool Covers(PDF, 248KB)