Council Works Report 20 October 2023
Civil Infrastructure works undertaken week ending 20 October 2023:
- Complete Stabilising Warwick Street & Barleyfields Road Intersection
- Complete shaping road and footpaths at Warwick Street and Barleyfields Road intersection ready for sealing
- Continue causeway and pipe works for The Glen Project
- Complete grading Balala Road
- Complete grading Ingledale Road
- Complete grading Rock Abbey Road
- Assist in cleaning out sediment pond at Bundarra Water Works
- Stockpile gravel at Uralla Depot
- Continue tar patching Gwydir River Road
- Tar patching around Uralla streets
- Continue preparing the Pool for opening Day
- Repair tree root damaged footpath section Alma Park
- Continue footpaths, parks and cemeteries maintenance Uralla and Bundarra
Planned works for week commencing 23 October 2023
- Continue stockpiling gravel at Uralla Depot
- Commence grading Rowena Road
- Commence grading Lindon Road
- Commence grading Bakers Creek Road
- Commence grading Baldersleigh Road
- Assist in cleaning out EAT at Uralla Sewerage works
- Commence preparation for Bergen Road Rehab
- Assist with preparation for Thunderbolts Festival
- Continue footpaths, parks and cemeteries maintenance Uralla and Bundarra