Council Works Report 1 December 2023
Civil Infrastructure works undertaken week ending 1 December 2023:
- Continue drainage works near ‘Merilba’ Kingstown Road
- Continued grading Baldersleigh Road
- Commenced stabilising Bergen Road
- Continued clean-up of trees at Sporting Complex
- Continue tar patching Gostwyck Road
- Commence slashing Kentucky area
- Commence spraying Bundarra cemetery around graves and monuments
- Continue footpaths, parks and cemetery maintenance
Planned works for week commencing 4 December 2023
- Continue stabilising Bergen Road
- Several staff undertaking IMP & TCR traffic control and PWZ training
- Continue works at The Glen
- Continue slashing Kentucky area
- Continue footpaths, parks and cemetery maintenance
- Commence spraying Uralla cemeteries around graves and monuments