Public Spaces Legacy Program Projects
Uralla Shire Council has been awarded grant funding of $2 million under the NSW Government's Public Spaces Legacy Program (PSLP) for The Glen Precinct and Pioneer Park upgrades to create destination open spaces in the heart of Uralla.
This project will make a real and lasting positive impact on the future of Uralla Shire by reinvigorating the public open spaces and recreation environments which bookend Uralla’s heritage thoroughfare, providing valued public space to the community for generations to come.

The PSLP project aims to deliver the community’s goals of creating high-quality recreation areas and attractive open spaces, promoting tourism, and preserving and protecting the Uralla Shire’s natural environment.
Funding under the PSLP will be directed to the redevelopment of Pioneer Park and The Glen Precinct. Council has resolved that the Pioneer Park upgrades include a Fibonacci theme, and that The Glen Precinct project components include the ‘Constellations of the South’ art installation, model boating lake and upgrades to nearby Rotary Park.
Project Delivery
Following consultation with the community, Council has now adopted the detailed designs for the redevelopment of Rotary Park, Pioneer Park, and The Glen.
Council awarded the tender for refurbishment of Rotary Park at its June 2022 Ordinary Meeting.
Council’s Request for Tenders for the refurbishment of Pioneer Park has been advertised and is open from 2 August – 22 August 2022.
Council is working closely with the NSW Government to deliver the project to the community by the end of March 2023.
Detailed Designs
Detailed designs for the Public Spaces Legacy Program projects were presented to Council for consideration and adoption at the Extraordinary meeting held 10 May 2022 (Rotary Park) and the Ordinary meeting held 26 July 2022 (Pioneer Park and The Glen.)
Click on the links below to view or download the detailed designs.
The Glen Detailed Design
Pioneer Park Detailed Design
Pioneer Park Renders
Rotary Park Detailed Design
Rotary Park detailed plans adopted by Council in Extraordinary Meeting 10 May 2022
Project details - Pioneer Park
Pioneer Park is located on the corner of Bridge and Salisbury Streets, opposite the Uralla Visitor Information Centre and within walking distance to Uralla's main shopping precinct. The street frontage accommodates short-term parking for vehicles with caravans, and is often utilised as a rest stop for visitors and travellers.
Presently, the park has a renovated amenities building, rubbish bins, drinking fountain, and picnic tables. There is a significant slope falling from frontage east to west which is turfed with a number of medium sized birch trees dotted throughout. There is also a cluster of birch trees that front Bridge and Salisbury Streets.
Council adopted the detailed design for Pioneer Park at its July 2022 Ordinary meeting and approved the project proceeding to procurement and construction, subject to the separate decision of Council on tree types following discussion with local stakeholders and conditions of previous resolution of Council X03.03/22 (in part) that a regular project report be provided to Council.
Council’s Request for Tenders for the refurbishment of Pioneer Park has been advertised and is open from 2 August – 22 August 2022.
Scope of Works
Specific works at Pioneer Park include:
- New shelters, seating and ancillary park furniture
- Walkways
- Landscaping
- Electrical works
- Installations
- Fibonacci design elements

View or download the detailed design and renders for Pioneer Park through the links above.
Pioneer Park Updates/Progress:
26 August 2022 - Pioneer Park request for renaming went to the August 2022 meeting - No renaming will be approved at this time see Minutes Item 15.3 resolution 07.08/22 page 11
22 August 2022 - Tender requests for refurbishment closed.
31 August 2021 - Workshop with Councillors on Survey results
17 August 2021 - Workshop with Councillors identified dates and items working toward Request for Quotes and Tenders
10 August 2021 - Workshop with Councillors to seek outcomes from the project and consultation needs.
2 August 2022 - Tenders called for refurbishment of Pioneer Park - Closed 22 August 2022
8 June 2021 - Fibonacci design was presented to Council by Guy Crosely & Andrew Parker
Project details - The Glen Precinct
The Glen is a large public reserve located at the northern entrance to Uralla, bordering the New England Highway and accessible from Barleyfields Road. Presently, The Glen has a dense bushland backdrop with substantial shade coverage. Rocky Creek transects the reserve from east to west. The reserve opens onto a large clearing which houses a partially completed sculpture installation called the ‘Constellation of the South’.
The Glen Precinct incorporates Rotary Park, located on Barleyfields Road opposite The Glen. Presently, the park is a quiet outdoor spot with vistas north to Uralla Creek. The park can be accessed via a looped road and there are informal parking spots. Rotary Park offers short-term parking for vehicles with caravans, a number of picnic and BBQ facilities, as well as an amenity building, which makes it a popular rest stop for visitors and travellers.
Both parks border the railway corridor, which runs in a northerly direction following the New England Highway.
Council adopted the detailed design for The Glen at its July 2022 Ordinary Meeting and approved the project proceeding to procurement and construction, subject to the separate decision of Council on tree types following discussion with local stakeholders and conditions of previous resolution of Council X03.03/22 (in part):
i. The Glen:
1. The model boating lake be established with a long reach excavator, no herbicide to be used; and
2. Establish a panel of community members and councillors to select the Constellation of the South artist within the project budget; and
ii. A regular project report be provided to Council.
Council adopted the detailed design for Rotary Park at the Extraordinary meeting held 10 May 2022 (Item 8.1 page 4) and awarded the tender for the refurbishment at its June Ordinary meeting Item (17.1. page 36)
Council has resolved to progress an investigation a variation for the inclusion of a dump-ezy point at Rotary Park or an alternate for location for Council’s consideration within the budget.
Scope of Works
Specific works at The Glen and Rotary Park include:
- Improvements to access including bridges and walking tracks
- Construction of an artificial lake at the entrance to The Glen
- Completion of the six remaining ‘Constellations of the South’ sculpture installations
- New shelter, seating and ancillary park furniture
- Signage
- Parking
- Landscaping
View or download the detailed designs for Rotary Park and The Glen through the links above.
Public Spaces Legacy Program Funding
Public Spaces Legacy Program projects are proudly funded by the NSW Government.
The NSW Public Spaces Legacy Program is supporting councils to deliver more and better public spaces across the state.
For more information about the NSW Public Spaces Legacy Program, visit
Page updated 10 August 2022