Bundarra Sewerage Scheme

Construction on the Bundarra Sewerage Scheme project was completed in March 2022.
Project Background
The Bundarra Sewerage Scheme project, now in the post-construction phase, provides reticulated sewerage infrastructure and services to approximately 174 developed properties within the Bundarra area.
The key objective of the project was the upgrade of the Bundarra on-site sewer systems to a standard equal to other towns in the region, minimising health and environmental issues both to the community and the Gwydir River catchment. The construction of a new reticulated wastewater and treatment system will have significant beneficial impacts on sanitation and public health to the community of Bundarra.
The new system implemented a change from on-site treatment and disposal of wastewater within each property to a low pressure reticulated system with a single remote treatment plant. Each developed property has its own pump and tank and is connected to a mains sewerage line outside the dwelling.
Project construction comprised of a sewer reticulation network and rising main within the township, a sewage pumping station to provide sufficient pressure for pumping to the treatment area, located outside the urban area to the west of the township, a transfer rising main linking the station and the treatment site, and a sewage treatment plant including ponds, irrigation area, and other associated infrastructure.
Project Overview
The project was originally funded from Restart NSW under the Regional Water and Wastewater Backlog Program, based on a total estimated cost of $5,447,000, of which 33% would be funded by Council.
The pre-tender estimated budget was significantly higher than the original estimated cost and for this reason Council requested additional funds from the State Government for the project.
In 2019 the project was approved for additional funding of $2,679,000 through the Safe and Secure Water Program. The NSW State Government recognised the importance of the project and committed to providing up to $6,354,000 to ensure the project was successfully delivered to the Bundarra community.
This additional funding enabled the construction phase of the project to go to tender, which was awarded to Ledonne Construction Pty Ltd at the Ordinary Meeting of Council held 27 October 2020. Construction on the project commenced in late 2020. The scheme was commissioned in early 2022 and an official opening was held in March 2022.
In the video above, Ledonne Constructions commences work at the site of the Bundarra Sewerage Treatment Plant in February 2021. The dry weather has enabled construction of the two initial oxidation ponds. This is primarily a bulk excavation activity with earthmoving equipment.