Before you undertake any building work, make any changes to your building, occupy a premises, or commence a new use on your land, you should check with Council to find out whether the proposed development is subject to approval, and if so, what type of development activity application is required.
Development Consent and Complying Development
Most types of development are subject to approval and will require a development application. The types of development which will normally need a development application include:
- New buildings
- Alterations and additions to existing buildings, including swimming pools
- Most types of change of use of existing buildings or premises
- Demolition of buildings, including heritage items or buildings in a heritage conservation area
- Alterations or additions to heritage items or buildings in the heritage conservation area
- Subdivision of land
- Strata title subdivision of buildings
- Advertising signs
- Earthworks, filling and clearing
Some lesser impacting developments such as sheds, rainwater tanks and driveways, may only require a Complying Development process, or be exempt from requiring development approval completely.
Complying Development is an approval process for straightforward residential, commercial and industrial development. Complying development allows for a range of development such as the construction of a new dwelling house, alterations and additions to a house, new industrial buildings, demolition of a building, and changes to a business use. Complying development generally includes larger building works than exempt development and therefore must be signed off by a Principal Certifying Authority (PCA.) For more information on complying development, visit the NSW Planning website.
Prior to submitting an application, applicants are encouraged to visit Council's Administration Office at 32 Salisbury Street, Uralla. Your application will be given a preliminary review to check it has been completed correctly. An application fee is payable with the lodgement of your application. To obtain a quote for the application fee, contact Council's Customer Service by telephone us on (02) 6778 6300.
Exempt Development
Some minor building renovations or works which have minimal environmental impacts and meet a specific criteria are exempt development and do not require approval. Exempt development is very low impact development that can be done for certain residential, commercial and industrial properties. If proposed works meet all of the development standards (identified in the State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 for exempt and complying development), approval may not be needed.
For more information on exempt development, visit the NSW Planning website.
Development Flowchart
The flowchart below outlines the steps in the development process.

Home based enterprises such as home-based child care, home occupations, home businesses, home industries, and bed and breakfast accommodation may require Council approval.
Please visit our Information for Home Based Enterprises page for further information.