LSPS Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Local Strategic Planning Statement?
Council’s Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) describes how we aim to achieve the vision of the Uralla Shire community and uphold our values through strategic planning. The LSPS guides the growth of the Uralla Shire as it evolves over the next 20 years.
Why does Council have a Local Strategic Planning Statement?
The Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 requires that each NSW council prepare an LSPS.
What’s the difference between a Local Strategic Plan Statement (LSPS) and Community Strategic Plan (CSP)?
The LSPS focus is on land use, whereas the CSP is focused on the direction of Council’s functions. Click here to download Council’s Community Strategic Plan.
How will the LSPS impact me?
The Local Strategic Planning Statement will provide guidance on:
- The future direction for employment, housing and environmental management.
- How we maintain and build the character and identity of the Uralla Shire.
- How the Uralla Shire will develop and grow over the next 20 years.
How does the draft Local Strategic Planning Statement support broader plans?
The Local Strategic Planning Statement will inform updates to the Uralla Shire Council Local Environmental Plan (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP).
The LSPS will also form part of Council's Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework. The LSPS will support the Community Strategic Plan, Delivery Program and annual Operational Plan.
How often will the LSPS be reviewed by Council?
The Uralla Shire Local Strategic Planning Statement must be reviewed by Council at least every seven (7) years. In addition to the first review conducted in early 2021, Council intends to conduct a review of the document every four (4) years to occur concurrently with review of Council's Delivery Program and Operational Plan.
How do I provide my feedback?
Submissions must be in writing and can be made by email to Alternately, submissions can be made by letter to: The General Manager, PO Box 106, Uralla NSW 2358.
Submissions must be received by 5:00pm on Monday, 19 April 2021 to be considered in this review of the LSPS.