Council Services & Facilities Update

This page is updated to reflect changes to service delivery as required by the current Public Health Order.
See for more details.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the status of a service please don’t hesitate to get in touch by calling us on (02) 6778 6300 or email us on
Council Service
Service Status
Services Provided
Parks and Reserves
Open to public
Parks and Reserves remain open and accessible by the public. Visitors must observe rules as per the current Public Health Order.
Playgrounds, outside gyms and skate parks
Open to public |
Outdoor playgrounds and gym equipment are open to the public. Visitors must observe rules as per the current health order.
Pool |
Open to public |
Use of EFTPOS preferred for contact-free payment. |
Customer Service
Open to public
Customer Service is open between 8.30am - 4.30pm each weekday (excluding lunch from 1pm - 2pm).
Customers are encouraged wherever possible to complete interactions online at or by phone (02) 6778 6300
Customers must observe rules as per the current Public Health Order.
Uralla Library
Open to public
Uralla Library will be open to the public as per its regular hours.
Visitors must observe rules as per the current Public Health Order.
To find out the status of regular library activities call the library on (02) 6778 6470.
Online services are through the Central Northern Regional Library’s eLibrary at includes:
- RB Digital - eBooks, eAudioBooks, eMagazines
- Bolinda BorrowBox - eBooks, eAudioBooks
- Story Box Library - Childrens Video Books
- Beamafilm - Videos and Movies
- Ancestry Library Edition
The exterior returns chute remains open at all times.
Click-and-collect services are available to all members.
Uralla Visitor Information Centre
Open to public
Uralla Visitor Information Centre will be open as per regular hours
Visitors must observe rules as per the current Public Health Order.
Online services are available at and
Development Applications
Available online:
Face-to-face services for Development Applications are available by appointment – please call Council's customer service centre.
Uralla Street Store |
Open to public
Stall operators and customers must observe rules as per the current Public Health Order.
For more information, please call (02) 6778 6300.
Caravan Park and Camping Grounds |
Operational |
Visitors must observe any applicable rules as per the current Public Health Order. |
Meetings with Council staff
Operational |
Meetings with Council staff can take place via phone and/or online, with face-to-face meetings available by appointment. Customers must observe rules as per the current Public Health Order.
Sporting Complex and Recreational Facilities
Open |
Users and spectators must observe rules as per the current Public Health Order.
Booking of Council Facilities
Bookings available
The Community Centre is taking bookings for groups. Customers must observe rules as per the current Public Health Order.
Tablelands Community Support
Access is restricted as per Public Health Order |
My Aged Care referrals for TCS are closed except for Goods, Equipment and Assistive Technology, Home Maintenance and Home Care Packages. We have some capacity to take on emergency referrals direct from the Regional Assessment Team. During these times of increased COVID restrictions, all group social support recipients not able to receive their service will be contacted and assisted as possible.
Tablelands Community Transport
Access is restricted as per Public Health Order
Transport services can continue under the current COVID restrictions, but excludes group social support due to the person-to-space ratio required.
McMaugh Gardens Aged Care Facility
Visitor restrictions
The following guidelines are in place for McMaugh Gardens in order to keep our residents safe.
All visitors are to complete an Antigen test prior to entry - please call the facility number and staff will help you. Staff will check your antigen test, allow you entry, check your temperature and ask entry screening questions.
All visitors over the age of 12 are to wear a surgical mask. This can be supplied by the facility. Cloth masks are not acceptabl
There is no restrictions on the number of visitors per resident per day.
Visits are to occur in resident rooms or outside. Please be mindful not to overcrowd residents rooms with visitors. Visitors are not permitted in dining room or communal areas
Visitors should only enter if they have had a minimum of 2 vaccinations. Unvaccinated visitors are only to enter if prior arrangements have been made with the manager of McMaugh Gardens.
Visitors must not enter McMaugh Gardens if they:
1. Have tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 10 days unless authorised by the manager of McMaugh Gardens for compassionate reasons.
2. Are a household or close contact. Household and close contacts must comply with the NSW Health Household and Close Contact Guideline, and must not enter McMaugh Gardens for at least 7 days after the last person in their house had a positive COVID-19 test. If there are extenuating compassionate reasons for visiting a McMaugh Gardens and the visitor does not have symptoms of COVID-19, the manager of McMaugh Gardens will allow visitation.
3. It is recommended that you avoid visiting McMaugh Gardens for at least 7 days if you have COVID-19 symptoms or any acute respiratory symptoms.
4. Are waiting for a COVID-19 test result.
For further information please contact McMaugh Gardens on (02) 6778 6380 or 0427176634
Facility Manager/Director of Nursing: Jacinta Sutherland - 0448324841
Waste and recycling services at Landfill and Recycling Centres/Transfer Stations |
Open to vaccinated adults (16yr+) and all youth under 16
Waste management facilities and transfer stations continue to be operational across the Shire.
Eftpos payments or transactions preferred at the Uralla Waste Management Centre.
Visitors to the Uralla facility should drop recycling in the 24-hour bins on the entrance wall.
Waste collection |
Operational |
Kerbside collection services continue as usual. |
Water services |
Operational |
Services at the Uralla and Bundarra Water Treatment Plants continue as usual. |
Sewerage services |
Operational |
Services at the Uralla Sewerage Treatment Plant continue as usual. |
Civil Infrastructure and Maintenance Programs |
Operational |
Road, bridge and infrastructure maintenance services continue as usual. |
Ranger/Animal Control services |
Operational |
Services continue as usual. |
Council Meetings
The health and safety of our community is our first priority and we are closely monitoring the advice and adhering to the directives from the Government and public health authorities.
The requirements for masks and other restrictions have been lifted in accordance with the recent Health Order changes (15 December 2021).
For more information please visit our Council Meeting page here.